What is Project 13?

Project 13 is a new approach to delivering high performing infrastructure that moves our focus from transactions to enterprises.

The right solution at the right time

Why We Need Project 13

The core message is that the transactional model for delivering major infrastructure projects and programmes is broken. It prevents efficient delivery, prohibits innovation and therefore fails to provide the high-performing infrastructure networks that businesses and the public require.

It is time to deliver

The Enterprise Approach

The shift to an Enterprise model for infrastructure delivery is core to the Project 13 approach.

An Enterprise brings together owners, partners, advisers and suppliers, working in more integrated and collaborative arrangements, underpinned by long term relationships. Participating organisations are incentivised to deliver better outcomes.

Project 13 is a new delivery model. It is defined by five Pillars and a set of Principles. The Project 13 framework summarises the five Pillars, the core Principles provides a simple maturity matrix, illustrating the journey to a high performing Enterprise.

The five Project 13 pillars are:

Capable owner




Digital transformation

Enterprising innovation

What are the Most Significant Changes?